Saturday, September 4, 2010

being a stranger

My way to escape from the pressure :
#disconnect with people who are known
#go to the preferred places (beach or unknown places is my favorite)
#having a great time alone, with strangers

loneliness not always be a bad thing, sometimes it can help you get out from chaos situation.
i can think clear when i'm alone. that's true. try it.
it doesn't mean that i like being lonely. no, i don't. i really don't.
but when you are alone, on the unknown place, with unknown people,
when you are being a stranger, and meet a stranger, that feel so good. really good.

Friday, September 3, 2010

So do you have a boyfriend, Summer?

McKenzie :[drunk] So do you have a boyfriend?

Summer : No.

e : Why not?

Summer : Because I don’t want one.

McKenzie : Come on; I don’t believe that.

Summer : You don’t believe that a woman could enjoy being free and independent?

McKenzie : Are you a lesbian?

Summer : [laughing] No I’m not a lesbian. I just, don’t feel comfortable being anyone’s girlfriend. I don’t actually feel comfortable being anyone’s anything.

#500 days of Summer